*This morning before breakfast:
Cam: Dear Jesus, thank you for being in our hearts and for loving us. Amen.
Me: Cameron, I sure love you.
Cam: And God and Jesus? They are good mans.
*Changed my mind. I want Ashley to choose Ben, not J.P.
*Chris' favorite store bought cookies are Mother's Taffy. I like to tease him because when he was a kid, he would have a specific number of seconds he would always dunk them in milk. Now he claims he is such an expert, he just KNOWS when they need to be brought back out. :)

*Cam ended up ADORING Vacation Bible School and was very sad that he wouldn't be returning this next week. Kendall also loved taking him in the mornings as we would hang out a while so she could listen to the opening music. I think we've decided to have him attend Awana in the fall at the same church.
*Starting to read "The Glass Castle" and really enjoying it. It was on my book club list a while back, but I never read it due to it not being in our library (and I was too lazy to go hunting around town for it).
*Hoping to make some sort of egg dish for dinner this week (frittata, quiche, etc.) The last time Cam visited my in-laws, my mother-in-law somehow managed to get Cam to like scrambled eggs. I was SO excited and I'm hoping Kendall will follow in his steps.