*Chris' parents came down and we were finally able to celebrate Christmas. Wayne made each one of us a personalized sign, which I just loved!
*This is the only picture I have from Easter. We had my family over and it was the first time we all ate a meal indoors together in months!!
*The kids have been able to have a couple of slumber parties with my sister's girls. I can't believe they leave in only a couple of months already (they will have been here a year)!

*I've had a recent realization that all these years, I've said I love to cook...and I really don't. Baking? Yes. Cooking, not so much. I've tried a few new recipes over the last several weeks and they all have been met with so-so reviews...which hasn't really done much for motivating me to try more. I won't list my regular rotation of meals because it would be a tad embarrassing/pathetic. ;(
*I am now required to go in to work for two hours most days of the week. I otherwise can continue working from home. I know I will never be able to work from home like this again. Oh, how I have LOVED it. I have gotten into such a great groove in the mornings. After sitting down with my coffee, I allow myself 1-2 minutes of watching this screensaver. So weird, I know, but it relaxes me as I start my day. I also have loved how it has allotted me the time for my morning walks. A couple new podcasts I'm enjoying:
This one just came out with a series on Hitler and it's fascinating!