Well, my dad has a few foods on this list that are rather odd. Among them are cereal and graham crackers. I know...they seem like harmless foods, right? Not when John gets a hold of them! If cereal is in the house (even healthy kinds), he'll go through 2-3 bowls of it a night until it is gone. Now with the graham crackers, it isn't actually the crackers that are the problem. It is the fact that he smothers them with butter (yes, butter) and eats them one after the other. You see, my dad LOVES butter and refuses to eat anything we cook unless we use real butter (however I have tricked him a time or two with margarine...and I swear he never knew!).
A while back my mom bought some graham crackers to have on hand for when Cameron comes over. As soon as my dad zeroed in on them, they began to disappear. So he asked my mom to hide them from him. My mom hid them in the guest room closet. The next morning, upon walking into the kitchen, she saw this on the counter. Apparently she didn't find a good enough hiding place!
You got it right, Kelly!!! He's a real hoot!
That is HILARIOUS!!!!! Dad is the funniest!
I don't have any self-control with graham crackers either.
As I started reading, I thought, "How funny! I was going to post about what one can't have around the house"... and then I got to your Susan comment. =)
p.s. You need to try spreading cream cheese on graham crackers. Delicious.
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