*Cam is walking more and more. We love to just sit on our bed and watch him walk all around the place. Sooo cute!
*Cam's been showing his will a little more lately, throwing mini fits when he is fed something he doesn't like or when I go to change his diaper and he is not in the mood. I've read that by trying to calmly talk him through the fits is sometimes exactly what he wants, attention. So sometimes I simply ignore his drama and it seems to work well (for the most part).
*I've had two perfect nights of sleep (the first in over a month). Unfortunately it was due to food poisoning which made my stomach hurt so much I just conked out right away. As crazy as this may sound, it was worth it to get a good night's sleep. :(
*Today I'm meeting with some women about starting a playgroup in our church. I was involved in one at another church a while back. We have sooo many young families in our church. I know this is probably a great need for those moms that stay at home.
*My friend Karen came over for the day yesterday with her two kids. We had a great time and Cam did wonderful. I was a tad worried he might feel overwhelmed with the new people. We even got about an hour to sit and talk while the kids napped. Karen is SUPERB at asking questions, which as many of you know, is a huge quality I look for in friendships.
*I have loved that our direct tv has XM radio on some channels. They have the best Christmas station that is on most of the day in our home!