Sorry this post is a tad late. We just back from a few days in Vegas which I'll post about later. We had a wonderful time with my family as well as Chris's family. His grandparents came all the way down from central California, which was very special. We also had his aunt, brother's family, his parents, and my parents over. I think one of the best parts of the time was that Cameron did very well, at least much better than we had anticipated. We had thought we would need to be upstairs most of the time while the family was downstairs, simply because of past performances of him in which he has gotten very overwhelmed by all the people. But he did surprisingly well and we were able to enjoy time all together.
It was a lot of fun to have my parents take part in the time. Since my sister lives in Germany (however she is coming for a visit in less than a week....ahhhh!!!!!!), it was great to have them come and share Chris's side of the festivities.
My favorite gift: Gift card to a spa
Chris's favorite gift: Gift card to Apple

Looks like a great time! I love Cam's hoodie!
It was sure great to be there with everyone. It was a wonderful Christmas! Thank you for having us all there.
Yes, it WAS a fun time!! We so enjoy Chris's family--thanks for mixing a couple of Starks in the Petinak Christmas. And, yes, I was so happy that Cameron did so well.
Isn't Family great during Christmas time!!! Glad u enjoyed your holidays
so i was reading your favorite gifts and I saw Apple for Chris and I immediately thought you wrote Applebee's...since it is now your new favorite:)
Oh...I love the picture of all your family at your table. It must be so awesome to be able to all sit together like that to enjoy the holidays...yay family!!
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