Yesterday Chris and I bit the bullet and cut Cam's hair. I like it long, but it was getting too shaggy around the ears. I don't know how to cut it using scissors and we have tried a salon (even the cute kid friendly one) and let's just say his screams can be heard a mile away. Don't get me wrong, it isn't as though having his parents cut it means he sits like an angel, but at least it is in our home and we don't have everyone in the salon staring at us. Since I can't do it very well with the scissors, Chris does it with "the buzzer". The name alone I'm sure tells you Cam is NOT a fan of the noise.
Anyway, we got the job done, with fewer tears than we had actually expected. He looks sooo adorable, even more like a little boy. I call him my military man because he looks like he has a crew cut and just stepped off the ship. :)

The only problem now is that, since the weather has turned hot, I'm paranoid about him getting a sunburn since you can see his little bald head. I've tried with all my might to get him to wear a hat. But no matter how much I distract him once I put it on, he somehow senses the foreign object on his head and takes it right off. Darn it!
Oh, my goodness--it's cuter than I expected!
He sure is a cutie! Daniel doesn't like wearing hats, either. I even try the ones with the chin straps, but he knows how to escape.
Aaron wants a buzz so bad!! I can't do it!!! Cam looks so cute!! If you don't already use it, the aersole sunscreen is probably the best for his cute head!!
Oh my word- he looks SOOOOO cute!! He does look like a little boy now rather than a toddler.
Yeah, aerosol seems like it'd be the way to go. sweet! He really does look a lot older now, wow! Such a cute little man. :)
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