Due: mid-May
Major craving: Grape Nuts...any time of day
Morning Sickness: I thought I was in the clear for the first few weeks, then it hit...still going through just feeling yucky most of the day
Boy or Girl? I honestly am about 50/50 on what I would rather have. Part of me thinks it would be fun to have two little boys. The other part wants a girl, a big reason being the type of relationship my mom and I have. I'd love to have that one day with a daughter. On a sidenote, Cam is outnumbered with his cousins 5 to 1...so it might be nice for him to have another boy around. :)
How I told Chris: Made a "We are pregnant!!!" sign and stuck it in his donut the morning I took the test. He was, of course, super excited.
Names: With Cam, we tried at first to keep it a secret. That didn't last long as we wanted to get other people's opinions. We are determined this time to keep it a secret. We'll see...
Will this be our last? Most likely. We have said for a long time now that 2 is a good number for us.
Hip, hip, hooray!!!
Thank you, Lord!!
What a wonderful word to read in the test kit window!
Congratulations! We are so excited for you guys!
Yeah!! Congratulations! How wonderful for your family.
Congratulations! That is very exciting :) Hope the nausea lets up soon! I find it very funny that you crave Grape Nuts.
WAHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!! We can't wait!!! More Petinaks is a good thing!!!
While it would be VERY fun for S and A and ? to have a girl cousin and you to have a daughter, it would also be VERY fun for Cam to have a brother - and to even out the odds a little like you said. So you win either way! But the best solution would be if this would be twins: boy and girl.
Since it isn't twins, you need to get prego just ONE MORE time (maybe a 4th) to give you the best chance for both genders. 5 kids, and you should be sure to have a daugther plus a bro for Cam.
5 kids is not THAT MANY more than 2, after all.
Oh I want to squeeze that name out of you...... At least I know that if it's a girl, the middle name will be Susan since we did that for you. It is the only honorable thing to do.
So are you praying for a boy now?? =)
OH MY GOODNESS, CONGRATS!!! I'm sure he/she will be another gorgeous Petinak baby!!! So fun!
Congrats!!! So excited for you... Wish I didn't live so far so I could throw you baby shower #2... Come out her so we can celebrate!!!
congratulations!!! and enjoy those grape nuts!
Yay! Congrats, Kelly!
That's great news! So happy for you guys! :)
congrats, kelly!! so exciting :)
wow... congratulations, Kelly! That is so exciting!!!
How AWESOME! We are so happy for all 4 of you:) Praise God.
Congratulations Kelly! That is so exciting!
So excited for you guys!!! Seriously it's been forever. we need to catch up.
Tell Chris I send my congrats!
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