I mentioned before that I craved Grape Nuts. Now my craving has basically evolved into any kind of cereal. I have woken in the middle of the night the past two nights and felt so sick I had to come downstairs and make myself a bowl. I usually also have a bowl first thing in the morning and right before bed. I realized that I had gone through an entire box of Frosted Mini Wheats in 2.5 days. Yikes! So I bought myself a jumbo box at Costco so I'll feel a little better about all the money we are spending on cereal. :)
As a side note, I have a question that I truly am curious about. I've noticed that Costco, with there oodles of samples, NEVER has samples of baked goods like cookies, pies, muffins, etc. On occasion, they might have a sample of basic bread, but nothing dessert'ish. I know this is intentional and I'm so interested in the reason. Chris thought maybe it was b/c they are worried too many people would take them. But considering there are often lines for corn dogs or chicken fingers, I doubt that is the reason. Any theories??