I mentioned before that I craved Grape Nuts. Now my craving has basically evolved into any kind of cereal. I have woken in the middle of the night the past two nights and felt so sick I had to come downstairs and make myself a bowl. I usually also have a bowl first thing in the morning and right before bed. I realized that I had gone through an entire box of Frosted Mini Wheats in 2.5 days. Yikes! So I bought myself a jumbo box at Costco so I'll feel a little better about all the money we are spending on cereal. :)
As a side note, I have a question that I truly am curious about. I've noticed that Costco, with there oodles of samples, NEVER has samples of baked goods like cookies, pies, muffins, etc. On occasion, they might have a sample of basic bread, but nothing dessert'ish. I know this is intentional and I'm so interested in the reason. Chris thought maybe it was b/c they are worried too many people would take them. But considering there are often lines for corn dogs or chicken fingers, I doubt that is the reason. Any theories??
I would think your sickness should be ending soon! How many weeks are you now?
My theory is that the smell of the muffins alone is enough to draw people to the bakery section and buy items. They don't need to give samples, they just douse us with a dose of delicious tempting smells.
Hmmm, interesting question. Why don't you ask next time you're there?
We love Honey Bunches of Oats, Raisin Bran Crunch. You may want to give those a whirl. Also try substituting raspberry yogurt for your milk on cereal, it's delicious!
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