So Cam's new room is almost complete, which is bittersweet. Sweet because I'm excited to see it all put together (I'll include a pic later), and bitter because it means we have to start the transition to the big boy bed. I am not very optimistic about it all. Cam has never slept a night in a real bed. When he has woken up at 2 or 3 in the morning when on vacation and we have had to pull him into bed with us, it hasn't been pretty (meaning it took about an hour and a half of squirming for him to fall asleep).
Anyway, wanting mainly to limit the number of middle of the night interruptions, I would LOVE, LOVE some advice from those of you who have made the transition already. I would like to know things like:
*Is it best to start out trying to get him to nap in his bed, before attempting a full night?
*Should I try and sleep next to him or on the floor for the first few times?
*We were thinking about putting the baby gate at the door, knowing he'll probably get up and try and get out. Good idea?
*He has never slept with a pillow and he detests blankets. Should I just plop him on the bed with just the fitted sheet at first?
Any and all suggestions are welcome!!!
What worked for us is letting them play in the bed for awhile.....like, let him know it's his bed....bounce on it lay in it...maybe for a week before making him sleep in it. As far as the covers and pillow, ask him if he wants a pillow? One thing that really made seth want to sleep in the big bed was the sheets....he got some with Wall-E on them. I know not every one is into the "kids" sheet thing but when the bed is made you can't see them.
Oh yeah, I forgot to say "good luck"
What great ideas from Emily!!! Hope you get some more, too.
Do you have any kids' DVD's that have a character going to bed? Like maybe Max & Ruby? If so, maybe you could show that & talk about them getting in bed.
I think that's the beauty of the sleep sack. You don't need blankets yet they stay warm. AND it feels a little confining so it makes it harder to hop out of bed and run around. They're less likely to try. Savannah slept in one when she first went to a Big Girl Bed.
That said, if he's not used to sleeping in one already, then he might not take to it now that he's this old.
One more thought: if you really don't think he's ready or that it's going to be rough, why not buy a really inexpensive second crib? Or borrow one from a friend just for 6 months or however long?
Since Savannah was just 19 months when Ashley was born, we bought a second crib for Ashley - for 40 Euro at Ikea. A good investment! Don't feel forced into the Big Boy Bed thing earlier than you want just because Baby is coming.
OR, you could use a bassinet/cradle for Baby for the first 4 months - that would give Cam 4 more months in the crib. And just switch the beds/crib at that point - and have her sleep in his new bedroom until then.
And don't be wimpy about taking apart the crib!! =)
we made sure our kids were involved in the whole process. Picking out sheets, helping make it up however they liked, pillows, blankets, etc. We talked about it with them. Read a book sitting on it, cuddle with them on it, let them get use to it. I don't know that sleeping next to him will help, he might expect it later. We had rails on the side of the bed that slide under the mattress for my sense of security (so they did not roll out of bed) but it also worked for their own secure feeling.
One more thought. If you decide not to put the gate across his bedroom door, I'd put it back at the top of the stairs...in case he should walk toward your room in the dark & get disoriented.
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