Tomorrow night my mom is coming over to babysit so we can go out to dinner. I'm SUPER excited! Since we rarely go out to dinner, much thought needs to go into where we will go. This is NOT the time to try out a new place, in my opinion. Basically I go by a few criteria when I'm making suggestions to Chris:
*Location: Cheesecake Factory would probably be first on our list since it is our favorite, but the closest one is 40 minutes away. Not ideal.
*Bread before the meal: This is pretty key, however I'm willing to forgo it if the restaurant is very tasty, like Claim Jumpers. But somewhere like Macaroni Grill really shoots up in the rankings because of their bread.
*Quantity: I'm all about leftovers and feel there is not much to look forward to afterward unless I'm taking home a styrofoam container.
*Quality: I have to REALLY like the food. This isn't too difficult as there are plenty of places that I feel strongly about.
*Atmosphere: We had thought about Gourmet Pizza , but for some reason, it just seems too casual. I would like to be waited on. And Red Robin is good, but we have been in and out of there in 30 minutes (because they are just that quick with their service). I want to enjoy the whole experience, so I doubt that will be in the running.
When Chris and I first got married, he made fun of my family because we LOVE to analyze where we are going to eat (mainly when we are on vacation). I'm going to call Chris out on that because I think he has actually grown to like the process too. So, all this to say we aren't yet sure where we are going, but wherever it is, much thought will have gone into it!!!