*Yesterday morning we had Cam's IEP (meeting to discuss what services they'll offer to him) for our school district. Once he turns 3, we will start working with them as opposed to the county. I won't bore you with all the details (as the meeting was almost 2 hours), but I'll just say that it went great and we both left super encouraged. It looks like Cam will attend their preschool as opposed to the one I previously chose (so much for all that research!). We both feel really good about the decision and are also happy that it is 5 minutes away as opposed to 20!
*It has been very weird weather lately and I'm hoping the weekend doesn't hold rain for us. Maybe if we took Cam's approach from yesterday and said, "turn rain off!", that might work. :)
So hard to believe it's been a month already! She's just beautiful!!!
Yes, she IS a very pretty baby! Cam said "turn rain off?" How cute! Kind of goes when he said "It's very dark" when it was cloudy yesterday.
Oh, I am so thankful the IEP went so well and that the teacher seems so good. What a blessing to have that available. I bet he will really enjoy it.
Hey Kelly we are enrolling Jordyn in preschool this fall too-just out of curosity what preschool was it that you had originally researched?
I can't wait to hear of all his progress in preschool! Oh I am so excited to watch Kendall grow through your blog! First smiles, sitting up, first giggles.... =)
oh my goodness she is getting SO BIG!! WOW!! she's so cute!!
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