Kendall was a champ and contently sat in the Bjorn for the majority of the day. I love this thing and it makes trips like this so much more doable since she is happy almost 100% of the time in this. She can sleep or just hang out. It does tend to get a little heavy (and hot!) after a while, so you can see having both mom and dad take a turn is quite nice. :)
We got home and were pooped. I was planning on having frozen pizza, but Chris offered to make dinner. He made the yummiest things we decided to call Philly Cheese Pockets. He sauteed green peppers, onions and flap steak. He then chopped it all up, added some cheese, and wrapped it in pizza dough to make a kind of pocket. So good! And even better was that I didn't have to cook it!
Oh I'm so glad the day started looking up after a few rides!!! Yeah for perseverance!!!
And YEAH for bjorns!!! I don't know what I would have done without mine either! =)
Glad Chris is secure with his manhood to wear the Bjorn!!
Glad you had fun! That's the great thing about having passes... You can do as little as you want anytime you go!
I'm glad your day got better and you ended up having fun :) I'm impressed you carried Kendall in the Bjorn ALL day, I can only do it for about an hour!
The dinner Chris made sounds yummy! What kind of pizza dough do you keep on hand? Did you bake them kinda like calzones?
Kendall can "just hang out" is a pretty descriptive term for how she looks--HA! So glad it evolved into a fun day...and kudos to Chris for fixing dinner when you got home!
Jessica, we always just use the Pillsbury dough in the tube. Yes, we made them like mini calzones. :) I love that dough because you can stuff anything in it and it is so convenient!
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