This past Friday I told Chris, "Tomorrow I'm going to make another go at sleep training. I'm determined". Well, Saturday rolled around and Kendall started running a fever. Now all four of us are sick. So how do you attempt sleep training when your little one is running a fever? You don't. I caved and am back to feeding her way too much at night. I know despite being sick, she doesn't need to eat EVERY 3 HOURS AT NIGHT!!! But I would feel too guilty making her cry for long periods of time when I know she isn't feeling well. It is somewhat discouraging to look back at the journal I kept for Cam and to see how much better of a sleeper he was at this age. But in the grand scheme of life, this is sooo not a big deal and will soon pass. I'm just thankful to have two healthy kids, even if one of them is a stinker during the night.
If it makes you feel any better I still haven't slept in my bed since having Alayna :) Sleep issues are a real bummer. I hope you all feel better and you can get some good rest!
So sorry for the lack of sleep, but you've got a good handle on the big "P" (perspective)!
My first was the best sleeper ever so I was so sad when my second, (and third!), were not even close to his standard. Every baby is so different, but I understand the frustration and disappointment of nightly sleep interruptions. Hang in there!!
(PS. I hope you it doesn't bug you that I read, and now comment, on your blog even though I really only know people who know you!)
Sarah-are you kidding me? I love that you read this and welcome any comment, especially one that makes me feel like I'm not alone in having a bad sleeper. Thanks!!
I just wanted to say my first was a great sleeper too, Wayne, then Kathryn not so much. She woke up all the time through out the night,I was so exhausted. But I look back on it now and realize what a special time it was for me and her, to have those precious bonding moments just between her and I, I wouldn't trade them for sleep. Liz
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