Last night a game of Chutes and Ladders was played (at Chris's suggestion!!) in order to decide who would go to Frugos to get me some yogurt. I must say it was quite close, but Chris won in the end...however he offered to go for me anyway. He quickly regretted his offer, however, when I threw him a, "OK, now if they have peanut butter, get that. But if they don't, chocolate would be second choice, then vanilla. For toppings, I would like Oreos and Reeses. I also want Cheesecake, but put those on top." He finally had me write it down. :)
Here I am after my defeat:

p.s. I must say I'm quite frustrated with Frugos. I really don't go that often, however almost every time I do, they are out of Reeses. They always say that it's because it's one of the more popular toppings. Hmmm..wonder how they could rectify that? Maybe PLACE A LARGER ORDER??!!!! :)
Man--y'all are the last of the big time gamblers!
I totally agree whenever we go in there isint anything I want for toppings or they don't have a single flavor I love.
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