*Earlier in the day, our neighbor helped Chris change the brakes on his car. Cam was very interested in the whole process.
*On Sunday, we went to Victoria Gardens. We hit our regular, "tent store" (a.k.a Bass Pro Shop) and Kendall was loving exploring the boats.

*Today we had Cam's annual IEP. We were not anticipating the outcome, but have realized it is really a cause for celebration. :) Cam no longer qualifies for the class he currently attends. While he still qualifies for special ed, his current class is for more severe children. This is wonderful and encouraging, yet scary at the same time. We will HATE to lose his amazing teachers. We also have made the decision to look for a different "typical" preschool than the one he is attending. So we need to make some important decisions about where he'll go, how he'll still receive services, etc. We have another meeting next week, but overall, it is great news that our little guy has progressed himself out of his class. :)
*Last night's dinner: Hamburgers
Tonight's Dinner: Pot Stickers with rice (we LOVE these from Costco...and they are super low calorie)
Oh YAY that Cameron has progressed out!!!!!!!!!! And now we can pray for the perfect pre-school for him....
Yea!!! If you are looking for a school that is small and local you may want to call Cherry Valley Bretheren they may take him if you talk to them.
Yes, I'm so proud of Cameron for all his great progress! But I, too, will miss the thought of his being with that amazing teacher and wonderful aides.
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