I must say that waiting another year will take a HUGE burden off me. I was getting more and more concerned about how he would do in such a large class as well as other issues kindergarten brings up for him.
Related to the school topic for us is private vs. public. I had always assumed my kids would go to public, however I've come to realize that the decision needs to be determined by each of our kids and their personalities. In addition to liking the Christ centered focus, it might work best for Cam to be in a smaller classroom environment (like in a private school), however I wonder if public schools would offer him more support in the long run.
When it comes to jr. high and high school, I'm a firm believer that friends are EVERYTHING when it comes to kids heading in the right direction. Yes, personality plays into it, but I almost think the friends they choose are of equal importance. Some say that there are, "bad kids in public AND private". True. I would argue that the chances of kids falling into a healthy crowd might be more likely in a private school. However both those arguments might not hold water if you are talking about a kid who is confident, self assured, and strong in their faith. Public might be a great fit for them. So again...it just all depends on how our kids turn out and which environment we think will be best for EACH.
Well,those are just some rambling thoughts of mine since the subject of school seems to be on my mind a lot lately. As a sidenote, I was fortunate enough to choose/fall into a good group of girlfriends in high school. I thought I would share one of our favorite activities (I think this was 9th grade), trying on prom dresses and taking pictures. We thought we were soooo cool. :)
School choices are never easy! We chose public because it boiled down to cost for us its beyond our reach. Int he public schools however the classes in our district are only large for 1hr of the day. In the morning there are 16 kids then 32 at mid morning then 16 in the afternoon. This has worked out well so far. We re-evaluate the situation every year. As you said the chances of falling in with the wrong crowd can happen at any school I can tell you personally if you center your child in Christ at home and supourt thier self confidence and encourage wise choices they will be ok!
SO many different factors play into it all. I agree that it totally depends on your child and his or her personality and needs. I too am going to hold Ethan off on kindergarten because his birthday is November 1st.
ahhh, hard parent decisions. holding off on kinder is hardly ever a bad decision. so many factors and things to consider though...
love the picture. especially the white socks with the dresses...pretty much completes the outfit :)
I'm glad it's a relief to you to have made (or practically made) the decision about kinder. A whole year will probably make a big difference in maturity and readiness.
Oops--that was me, not John. (Although I bet you suspected that. :))
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