*A while back I decided I needed to give up my French Vanilla coffee drink. I was not only having too much per day, but it was replacing my breakfast because that is what sounded good to me. I can't imagine the chemicals that actually made up the powder were very good in the quantities I was having. Anyway, I've started actually having a REAL breakfast, which consists of the best oatmeal ever, in my opinion. :) I make it with 1/2 soy milk and 1/2 water, then I add wheat germ (for some nuttiness), cinnamon, and a little brown sugar. So good!!!

*I know every mom says this, but I really wish I could freeze this age with Kendall. Sometimes I just sit and watch her because everything she does is just soooo adorable. My favorite right now is how shy and coy she gets when it's her turn to pray for dinner. I wish I knew what the little whispers were that come from her mouth. :)
*Do you say, "Let's play with Legos", or "Let's play with Lego"?? My brother-in-law claims "Lego" is correct and that everyone adds an "s" when there shouldn't be one. :) Anyway, my mom saved the Legos from when I was a kid and I'm so glad she did. Cam has really been into them lately. He's not quite to the building stage, but he loves to pretend play with the little men and instruct me on what buildings to construct so he can have a "Lego city" for them.

I actually loved building the little city and was quite proud of my restaurant, gas station, and hospital. :)

*Text conversation between Jen and I today:
Me: I have a great idea! When you download the pics you will take today on your computer, email us the girls trip pics!! (because I had asked for them several days earlier)
Jen: I know! I have a great idea! Get a Facebook account and you could have seen them already on Monday! I'll email them soon :)
Me: Ahhh...scratch my dirty neck. :)
I really am not "holding out" on Facebook because I somehow think it's cool to do so. I just don't want to add another computer activity to my life. Who knows..maybe someday... :)
*Today at the library story time, the woman asked everyone, "What are some fun things you did this summer?" Cam belted out, "We went to the beach!!" This may not seem like a big deal, but it's actually really big and is one of his IEP goals. In school, he would always answer a question when asked directly TO him, but never when asked to the general class. So...WOOHOO Cam!!
*Today Chris is taking Cam to his last day of swimming, then to Barnes and Noble to look at books about sharks. It's Shark Week on Discovery and we had Cam watch a show last night. He really liked it. Granted, sometimes he was more interested in the exact mileage to the Indian ocean (where the footage was from) and how long it would take to get there, but I think he also enjoyed watching the sharks. :)