If my picture didn't convince you, here is Picky Palate's:

*Afternoon work break for Chris turned into a marathon game of Kids Monopoly, a game we gave Cam for his birthday. Cam liked it so much we all played it again after Kendall went down. Cam cleaned house both times. :)

*Took Kendall to a Gastroenterologist for her constipation issues. While nothing is seriously wrong, there are a few issues which makes me really glad we saw a specialist.
*I'm not convinced Fresh and Easy is cheaper than Staters, however it sure is a lot more entertaining for the kids to help me check out with their self-check.
How does Cameron do that so much (win)? He usually beats me at Chutes and Ladders--and isn't that a game of chance? --Mom
What issues did you find out if I might ask??? We saw a gastro for Breven and he cut him off most dairy. had us water down his juice and add fiber with a low dose laxative on certain days we still do that and added some probiotics to help the mix.
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