I told him I don't want this...

to turn into this...because he needs to still be a little hip, right? :)

*Made a double batch of pancakes last night to freeze. They work great for PB sandwiches in Cam's lunches. Secret additions? Flaxseed, pureed kidney beans, pureed broccoli. :)hehe

*Kendall loves Tinkerbell and the Disney princesses now. I got two hand-me-down shirts with these characters and she about dies when she gets to wear them to bed. I just want to eat her she's so cute. :)
You are the queen of sneak when it comes to their food. Have they had pancakes in a restaurant yet and wondered why they taste so "funny?" :)
Jeremy didn't shave yesterday...are he and Chris in cahoots on this????
I'm not a fan either. He grew a beard in Hawaii and the kids loved it. When he shaved it to go back to work they kept asking what happened to his whiskers. He's been trying to use that to get me on board. Hasn't happened yet. :)
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