*My mom caught her neighbor about to throw away a patio table umbrella and rescued it for us!! We had some company last night and used it and it was great! Now if I can only keep it up and have our family eat out there more often. I always pull the ,"But I have to wash off the table if we eat outside..." card. :)
*After Kendall's nap on Saturday we went to a Golf Expo in Ontario. Our neighbor had given us some free tickets. It wasn't qite as kid friendly as the brochure had said, but the kids enjoyed the free popcorn and running around acting WAY too hyper. Plus afterward we stopped by Chick Fil-A and they played for almost an hour. So that made the trip more worth it.

*I made some Cookie Dough Dip last night and it was quite tasty. Kind of a fun/different dessert.

*Today was hiking club day, but due to the weather and not a lot of people able to make it, we'll have to reschedule. :(
That dip was amazing! Yum. And the biscoff cookies! Man, those I like! Already finished them! Thanks!
Yeah, I don't think that honkin' thing Cameron is eating has any of your pureed spinach in it.
Yeah, I balk at cleaning off the patio table too, but in reality it only takes 3 minutes and it's so worth it.
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