Saturday, December 13, 2014

lost tooth

*We just installed a can crusher in our garage. The kids love crushing the cans. Here Kendall was attempting to crush a 2-liter...which she learned was a tad too big. :)

*The other day I got the BEST text from Chris while I was working. Our little girl lost her first tooth!

*Yesterday I spent the morning between drop off and pick up out running errands. I took a break and stopped by Starbucks as I had been saving a giftcard I recently received.I think reading at a coffee shop is up there with my other favorite relaxing activity, lying by the pool with a magazine.  And they almost got my drink to my requested, "scalding, boiling" standards. Almost. :)

* Last night my sister and her husband needed to go out to OC, so we kept the girls. Cam and Kendall were over the moon when I told them we were having a, "cousin slumber party"!

*Today we took the kids to their other cousins' birthday at John's Incredible Pizza. They had a BLAST. Here is Cam with his Uncle Craig:

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ahhhh, her first tooth! How exciting!

Your kids are so rich in cousins and aunts and uncles--not "numerous rich" but "wonderful people rich."
