Saturday, September 26, 2015


*This morning Chris took the kids to breakfast and Winco.

Their first stop at Panera also included the loss of Kendall's first of her two front teeth. She has been very excited about this.

Winco has you bag your own groceries. The kids always like to help.

*I am addicted to this FB page. Sometimes I go on Chris' FB and I stumbled across a post linking to this page. It is so fun to watch all the short, quick, cooking videos!

*Both kids are LOVING watching old episodes of Saved by The Bell. I have never heard Cameron laugh out loud so much at a TV show. :)

*Cameron: "Mom, what would happen if the world was upside down?"
Me: "Well, part of the earth kind of is upside down all the time if you think about it."
Cameron: "No, but what if right now it really was upside down?"
Me: (sigh) " know buddy, I just don't know."

Sometimes...well, a lot, I just don't have the answers to Cameron's random questions. :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I just love how the kids love all your family outings! Bagging groceries--yippee!