Thursday, June 23, 2016

camp tlc

*This week is Vacation Bible School (we call it Camp TLC).

I always teach a cupcake decorating class and while I enjoy teaching it, the highlight of the week is just getting to be there when my kids are there. I love sneaking into the auditorium and watching them do hand motions to the worship, or catching them as they walk to their elective and waving. The past two years I've even gotten to have Cam in my class. :)

*Kendall joined the library reading program this summer and was ecstatic to retrieve her prize. She chose Charlotte's Web and was glued to it until she finished.

*In the above picture you'll notice the ever so classy window covering on our back door. Yes, that is foil. Yes, it is beyond tacky. However it makes a HUGE difference in the temperature of our kitchen. So it's there to stay for a couple months. :)


Teresa DiMillo said...

Taelyn has really enjoyed the cupcake class. She said it was fun having Mrs. Kelly as her teacher again.

Anonymous said...

Ah, yes, there's nothing like a little tin foil to foil the heat. :o) When I put my hand on your door window, it was hot. Worth the tackiness, for sure.