Monday, December 4, 2017

black belt

Saturday was a big day in our house. Cam performed in the second part of his Black Belt testing for Taekwando (and passed!). He was incredibly nervous and had worked SOO hard to get to this point. We were so proud of him, not just for his performance, but for his perseverance despite a few setbacks throughout the testing process. What a boy...

*Last week, after we saw Wonder with Chris's parents, we picked up some Gourmet Pizza on the way home. Yesterday as Chris was eating some of the leftovers, he announced that it is officially his favorite pizza (Brando to be specific). I must say I agree.

*Every year each of us writes down a list of things we are thankful for (at Thanksgiving). It's always fun to look back and read what we had written in prior years . On this year's list, I included our guinea pigs. Why? Because they truly have become such a fun addition to our family for both our kids. :)

*I made these to take to work . They were sooo good and they were almost all gone by the end of the day.

*On Sunday afternoon, the kids watched the Emoji movie. I got current with This is Us. SO GOOD.

*As I went to text the quads' mom to send Kendall home tonight, I laughed as I opened our thread. As you can see, she spends a lot of time there... :)

*I was very excited last week when I had to drive to Moreno Valley to observe a preschooler because it meant I had 20 minutes of podcast time. I later texted Chris a pic of what I was listening to, in case he wanted to also listen. 


Anonymous said...

CONGRATULATIONS TO CAMERON!!! That is HUGE! Way to go, buddy!!!!

I feel like I've lost a little respect for you, knowing that you like what chocolate.

I LOVE that thread about Kendall - that is hilarious!!!!!! Keep that. =) - Sister Su

Anonymous said...

I meant to write "white chocolate." But my typo "what chocolate" is perhaps appropriate. "What the heck is that? Chocolate? What?!" That ain't no chocolate. ;)

Otherwise, the cookies look fabulous. ;) - Sister Su

Anonymous said...

Oh, we are so, so, so proud of Cameron for his perseverance and hard work in this achievement! 26 students beginning and 9 finishing. They had to do a lot of HARD things!!

Jessica said...

Brando is our favorite too! So yummy!

That's so awesome for Cameron, way to go!

We love our piggies too 💕