Today Chris and I went to Target and I couldn't resist getting a frappuchino at their Starbucks. Whoever married the two of them (Target and Starbucks) should win an award. What could be better than browsing through Target, buying things you really don't need, and sipping a frapp? Anyway, about half an hour later, after I had had about 1/4 of it (yes, it takes me a couple hours to get through even a tall frapp), I noticed a very disturbing thing. There was a hair in my cup...and it obviously was not mine. I was super bummed that my favorite drink was now going to waste. Chris jokingly said, "What would John do?". He said this because my dad is king of taking things back. He has taken back grapes to Costco because they were mushy/sour (I have to admit I did this too...I mean we would have lost $12 on two huge things of sour grapes!!). In his defense, he has never returned anything that he shouldn't. It has always been items that were pretty inedible.
But I digress and back to the hairy frapp. The thought did cross my mind of stopping by the Starbucks by our house, explaining the situation, and despite not having gotten the drink there, asking for a new one. But I didn't. I would have felt a little tacky. Was I correct in my actions or was losing $3.30 really worth making the extra stop?
Well.......that's a tough one since it would be pretty hard to prove. However.....I would suggest you send an email to Corporate and ask them what their suggestion would be as to how to handle a situation like that. Now, do you still have the receipt that states the store number and the barista's name? That would certainly lend authenticity to your claim. I am a huge believer in customer service so I wish you good luck.
I completely agree with Grandma! Coming from the corporate end of food service, they always want to know how to make service better. This might be something that needs to be addressed, but it can only be addresses if the guest speaks up. Typically there will be a place to leave comments on their website and who knows you just might get back that lost drink! It's a win win on both sides. ;)
Hmmmm, I don't know. Ruth, since you're the experienced one in food service management, here's a question. Would it get that specific barista in trouble? "Written up?" What if she's a sweet little gal working her way through college & just didn't see an airborn hair land in it? (Like Kelly working at the bagel place) for thought (no pun intended.) :o)
EEWWW! I hate that!
Since it's Starbucks, and they are practically Nordstrom when it comes to customer service, I would probably let them know next time you visit that specific Starbucks. At the very least your next drink will be comped and they will know that they may need to clean up their act a bit (no need to tell the Barista's name, in my opinion). - Bethany
I recently had shavings of metal in a drink and didn't notice till I was done. The metal just sitting at the bottom. When I talked with the manager he didn't point a finger at who gave me the drink; he asked me what he could do to make it better. I think that is what you will find. I have never seen anyone get written up or loose a job over an accident. There are definitely room for accidents and this is very different than something done deliberately. If for some reason it does keep happening and there are more complaints then they would look to see if there is a common thread with the employees.
Good management in food service is taught to keep the guest coming back and fix the situation for them on the spot. One bad experience can actually turn into many people who wont come back because of how things pass by word of mouth. Management doesn't want that which will give you the upper hand - they WANT to make you happy. A good rule of thumb: No matter how bad your experience is - go back and report it nicely. Even if you go home, get on the website and submit your experience to the corporate office. List what you ate and what time you went in. They can actually go back to see if what you are saying is accurate and make sure that the situation is made right.
It's long, but I hope that helps!!
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