The past few days have also brought us wind like I have NEVER seen before. The dust has been unbelievable. The worst part is our house. Our windows are not 100% sealed, therefore our whole house is literally covered in a film of dust. My sweet dad taped a few of our windows, but even that didn't keep it all out. Chris and I are somewhat neat freaks, so this is driving us crazy. I can't wait until the wind dies down and I can start to clean! Here is a picture of our window sill. Half has been vacuumed. Won't this be fun to clean up...ON EVERY WINDOW!!!
Another interesting, or rather yucky thing happened admist all this chaos. I backed into a woman in the Albertson's parking lot. Ughhh...not really what I needed. She was, shall we say, not happy AT ALL with me. I thought since I had a cute little baby with me, she might be a little nicer. Hmmm...not so much. Anyway, the important thing is that we weren't hurt and the "collison" was very small.
So that is the past few is to hopefully some better ones!
p.s. Previous to all this, we did have a fun time at the Pumpkin Patch...
oh my gosh!! I am so sorry to hear about all your bad news. I hope things get better for you. I will pray for you guys. love ya!!
Yes, this staph thing was nothing to mess around with. We are THANKING the Lord the antibiotics started working!!! That makes dirt and wind and fender benders pale in significance, doesn't it? (And it was a blessing to be able to help.)
But you're right--the dirt was unbelievable...visibility practically zero.
UGH! What a rough patch that was! We are thankful that you had family there to support you. We can't even imagine how horrible the wind was and that awful aftermath - YUCK! Wish we could be there to help clean it up.
Now I'm trying to figure out where the picture of Chris was taken...don't recognize the furniture...& surely that's not hospital furniture.
when it rains, it pours, huh?? sooo sorry. :(
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