As I write, Chris is on his way home from a weekend in North Carolina. He was in a friend's wedding and had a great time. Cam and I did great, however we sure did miss him. Luckily, Chris had no delays, despite traveling home on the busiest day of the year. Unfortunately, the day Chris left, Cam decided to take his first steps!! I was sooo excited, but super bummed that Chris missed it. He has been quite picky about when he chooses to walk, but I'm sure it is only a matter of time until he is all over the place!
I realized upon downloading my pictures that my grand intentions of taking a bunch over Thanksgiving amounted to not a whole lot. I feel like that happens a lot with me. I can't tell you how many times I've taken the camera somewhere and ended up leaving with taking either no pictures or only a few. Anyway, here are a couple cute ones.

Cameron and his two cousins, Hannah and Lauren
The way Cameron was "rushing" (as opposed to walking) with his walking toy, I knew it would just be a matter of time before he realized he could walk alone. I'm sorry it didn't happen while you were here so we all could see it. But, alas, he was in no mood for showing off.
At least you got a great picture of the three grandkids. They are soooooo adorable.
I'm glad Chris had a great time and had no major traveling issues. I know he is anxious to get home to his family.
Yeah, those pictures of the cousins together will be priceless in future years! And, walking, what a whole new world he's about to embark upon!
Yay for walking! Congratulations Cameron!
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