Here are a few amazing qualities that have made my dad the most amazing dad in the world (according to me of course):
*Never in my 29 years on this earth have I heard him complain about ANYTHING. This includes times in high school when I dinged the car or when we had some hard financial times when I was a kid. Through small annoyances throughout the day, to major life events, my dad is one of the most positive, optimistic people I know.
*When he knew I was going a tough time with all my emotions regarding Cam, he would come out and go on my morning walks with me with Cameron, just so I would have some company
*He has NO attachment whatsover to material things. He is truly an example of someone who is "storing up treasures in heaven". Status means nothing to him. Living his life solely for Christ does.
*He is SOO funny! Much of his humor is what I call "daughter" humor, meaning Susan and I are probably his best audience...but I don't care. I think he is hilarious and love spending time with him.
*Lastly, I have never met someone with such a heart for people who don't know Christ, especially over seas. While he isn't technically retired, he doesn't have to work too much, so he has a lot of free time. While he could play tennis everyday, go on long vacations, etc., he chooses to devote his time to going on missions trips to deliver eye glasses and wheel chairs, help others raise money to go on trips, etc. I admire his passion for wanting to see everyone in heaven....everyone.
I love you dad!!
Here he is on a recent trip to Ethiopia (sorry it's so small)

The second father in my life is Chris. Chris never ceases to amaze me in the type of dad he is. Not that I ever doubted he would be a great dad, but I am in awe of how much he loves Cameron. I see it by the fact that he can't stay in his office for more than a couple of hours without coming out to play with him, or how he loves to hear every single detail of the times he isn't with him (down to his reactions to some ducks we saw), or how he adores to "wrestle" with him on our bed, or how he likes to sometimes go with me when I get Cam up from a nap...and the list could go on. So thank you, Chris, for being Cam's dad, the best dad he could ever want!
Oh what a fantastically written post!! What two great dads!!! And I got to benefit from one of them too. =)
Yes, they both deserve this wonderful tribute! How very blessed you are! Just being raised by a wonderful father is a huge blessing...but then to have your husband be such a great dad--well, who could ask for anything more?
You have always had a great way of putting feelings with words!!! Very well written!! What a blessing for Cam to have 2 great Men in his life!!
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