Lately Cam has been SOOO clingy to me and rarely will play by himself. It is only with me. When my mom babysits, he is totally different and very independent. Even with Chris he is much better. Yesterday when I went to pick him up from my mom's, he immediately went into "play with me non-stop" mode when I walked in the door. I'd like for him to have a little more independence when I'm with him so that I can do the laundry, cook, etc. while in the same room. So I'm going to start "special room time". I'm getting this term from my sister, who uses it with her daughter.
I know he is not even two, so his SRT will be very short (just a few minutes to start out with). But I think if he can conquer a few minutes playing by himself, knowing mom is right there, as he gets older I can hopefully increase the time. In order to help this new adventure, I bought him a new toy today that I'll only bring out during SRT. I know he'll love this one as he is glued to similar ones during our library play class. Hopefully this works and if anyone has any better suggestions, feel free to post!
Oh my! That toy looks like fun! What does it do?
How does it work? When he fusses, do you say, "No, Cameron, not now" and put him in his crib or Pac n Play? However you do it, it sounds like a good thing to try something "full-on" like that. If it IS like that, maybe the Pac n Play would be best (instead of his crib) so he won't confuse naptime with Special Room Time. Good luck.
This is a great idea!! You will love the fact that your child is able to play and entertain himself!! It may be hard at first but stick with it!!!
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