We spent Christmas with my parents. Before heading over, the three of us enjoyed a new tradition of devouring a batch of Land of Nod (see previous post). We then headed over to my parents' house. It was nice and relaxing. It rained all day, but Cam did great despite being stuck inside thanks in large part to his new tent/tunnel play set my parents gave him. Chris even squeezed inside for a quick picture.
The next day Chris and I took him to a park we hadn't been to in quite a while. Cam ate it up and was running around for a good solid hour. I have come to be SOOO incredibly grateful for parks. I have no idea what I would do without them.

Later that night, we left Cam with a sitter and met Jen/Eric, Chalet and her boyfriend (Jim) for dinner. We haven't seen Chalet in a long time as she lives in Chicago. Here is a picture of just us girls. It was fun reliving our Jr. High and High School days. I'm sure the guys weren't THAT into hearing stories about our prank calls and secret hand signals we had for each other, but we sure enjoyed ourselves!
This morning Cam woke up at 5:30. Makes for a looooong morning. The parks would have been too icy, so I we headed out for a walk. It was COLD, COLD, COLD. This picture is actually right before I put ski gloves on both of us after noticing the streams in the gutters were actually streams of ice. But it sure was refreshing to get out and my red cheeked Cam liked it too.
Today Cam and I are on our own as Chris is going golfing with some college buddies and then over to Peyt and Liesl's for a UFC fight to watch some bloody men punch each other. Come on...am I really exaggerating??? UFC is something I shall never understand! But he always has a great time and that is what is important. :)
Hope you all had a wonderful Christmas!
Oh fun post. Lots to comment on...
I LOVE Mom's blue striped shirt!
Yes, parks are a MUST for mommies of little ones - I am soooo thankful for them too! It's funny to me how I never really noticed them pre-kids, and now I know where every park is in our area and what different playthings each one has. And when we're out driving and see a new one, my head turns. It's like you get Park Radar.
Fun to see you and Jen and Chalet together!
You got a lot of great smiling pictures out of Cameron!!!
I love your white jacket.
Yeah, look at those big smiles at the park! That's the way he was at MYGYM the other day.
And he was so cute going in and out of his little tent. Very clever how it folds up to store, too.
I made the recipe but they didn't turn out like yours did I don't think. I think my problem was I followed the directions EXACTLY so when it said to place 20 frozen around the bottom of the bunt pan that's what I did. Was I supposed to thaw them and cut them into pieces first? I'm not a fantastic cook, I need step by step instructions. :-( The ones I made were still pretty good though. I want to try them again.
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