However what I have noticed is that kids meals are typically the perfect portion for myself. So since I can save about $4-5, I've started ordering a kids meal for myself. I've never had it questioned because we are standing there, ordering our food, with a two year old on our hip. I realize that technically this isn't 100% honest of me, because some menus do stipulate an age for the kids menu. But I guess my conscience hasn't affected me to the point of stopping my evil habit. And I guess I also justify it in that I never did this when Cam was a baby. I only started when he was technically old enough to be eating the meals. Not sure why, but this fact makes me feel better. :)
Yesterday we went to Palm Springs and I had the most delightful meal of a soft taco, rice, beans, and a drink for $4.99. Nice.
kelly i don't think thats even a smidge bad. you are still getting the smaller portion for what you pay for..if it was a large or adult portion and just at less cost because its for a child then i could see an issue. one of my very favorite meals is the kids mac and cheese and CPK..i get it every time and its obviously not for a child and they don't hesitate at all..i just don't get the free drink that comes with it..plenty of food at 1/2 the price! its fabulous! if you are going to get all moral about it then maybe you should confess to all the 'birthday' mud pie we got at claim jumper over our college years :)
Just a note-- I had a friend once tell me that if the restaurant didn't serve you a kids meal, if you ordered one, then that was considered age discrimination.... interesting idea....
I was very reluctant to leave this comment publicly, but at Chris's urging...
When I was still in college a local Arby's had a week long promotion: Kid's roast beef sandwich value meals for 99 cents. I went in about three times that week and ordered a few meals at a time, by myself. I received some very judgmental looks, but it was worth it. Hope this makes you feel better about it all...
Oh, surely you knew your Rulesy Big Sister would happen upon this post sooner or later!!!
1) Surely we aren't related!!
2) Did I teach you NOTHING as your second mother??!!!
3) I'm still twitching after reading Urke's comment - surely you never misrepresented your birth to get MUD PIE???!!!!
Oh someone help me to the couch. I'm feeling faint.
Kelly, I wouldn't be too worried about what Miss Tighty says about the subject; she's likely to report me to the authorities for having 3 Fig Newtons when the serving size on the package says "2".
Her Husband.
Don't feel bad Kelly...I do it too!Now if the menu clearly states only for kids 12 and under or whatever then I won't do it. But if doesn't then I wouldn't worry about it. They can't force you to eat more food. I know what you mean about a gentle conscience...I am the same way. Believe me, it pleases the Lord to find our hearts soft enough to hear his whisper.
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