*Go over to my mom's with the kids to hang out for a while.
*Got to go to Starbucks by myself for an hour and read magazines, drinking my tall soy white mocha, extra hot. :) Thanks, mom!
*Ate super yummy salads my mom made for lunch. Ever try wontons on your salad? Very good!
*Kendall graced us with a 2+ hour nap!
*Had fun playing a number puzzle with Cam and worked on his counting by tens
*Left my mom's to head home
*Made a stop at a friend's house to drop off a meal. I always make my go-to meal when I cook for someone else. It is a super easy Mexican casserole recipe I got from my sister-in-law. I would like to broaden my repertoire. We had awesome meals brought to us for Kendall. My favorite was shish-kabobs. But those are WAY too labor intensive even to make for us! What is your go-to meal you bring when you need to bring a dish somewhere?
*Kendall only cried about 1/3 of the drive...hooray!!
*Got home and played with Cam
*Bagged chicken. While we were gone, Chris bbq'd 2 Costco bags of chicken for us to have on hand. I packaged each chicken breast in individual bags to pop in the freezer
*Fed Cam dinner. For some reason, milk is quite an incentive for him. I tell him that he has to eat his veggies in order for him to get his milk. Works like a charm...although he still likes to take his time and sing songs throughout his eating
6:45: Bathtime
7:00: Put both kids to bed
7:15: Ahhhhh....
*Ate some yummy bbq'd pork which Chris also cooked to put in the freezer
*Watched a new show a friend told us about called, "Man vs. Food"...and a little Tori and Dean
*Read a little
10:00: Light's out
*Cam up and he and Chris take off for breakfast at McDonald's and oil change at Walmart
*Relax with Kendall, talk on the phone to Jen, and finish watching Jon and Kate + 8 (Kate will be on Regis and Kelly on Aug. 13 FYI)
*Cam and Chris return.
*Playtime while Kendall sleeps
*Brief playtime outside with our neighbor's adorable granddaughters in the "Escalade"
10:00 Cam's home teacher arrives
1 comment:
"You can have some milk if you eat your vegetables"--Wow! That is one healthy-eating kid!
That is quite the little car and he looks like quite the cool guy riding with a classy blond. (Sad that in that one small pic you can see 2 For Sale signs.)
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