*Last night Chris and I got to go out to dinner. We were going to try a Thai restaurant that a friend had recommended, but as usual, we wimped out and went to what we know and love, Cheesecake Factory. We weren't disappointed. :)
*We have several avocados and I don't want them to go to waste. Tonight I'm making BBQ chicken pizza with avocado and grilled onions. Yum.
*Kendall was waking just once during the night and it was sooo nice. She upped it to twice, and I'm not the biggest fan. Luckily she nurses super fast so I'm back in bed very quickly. I tried the "dream feed", like I used to do with Cam. For some reason I didn't think it would work with her...and it didn't. Maybe I need to give it more than just one try. But come on, how could I possibly be frustrated with something so cute...???
*We had such a fun walk this morning. Once we got to the park, Kendall slept for almost an hour while Cam and I gathered pine cones, went on the slide, threw rocks, and picked flowers. I love watching him get excited about something as little as his growing pile of pine cones.
*I saw Julie and Julia last week. It was very cute. I loved how both marriages were portrayed in such a great light. That is SO rare in TV/movies. That is one of the reasons I love the show, "Tori and Dean". It is refreshing to watch a couple (especially a Hollywood couple) who has a relationship which doesn't include tons of arguing, sarcasm, and nagging.
*Chris and Cam are heading up to visit his parents this weekend. I'm determined to get some good cleaning done.
*What's on tap for this afternoon? A raucous trip to Walmart of course!
Hopefully Kendall is just having a growth spurt and will soon revert back to waking just once! Thank goodness she eats quickly for you. Perhaps soon she'll start sleeping all the way through the night :)
The park sounds like it was fun, days like that are great :)
I'd love some BBQ chicken pizza right now!
It's funny to hear your opinion on Tori and Dean because one of my friends just told me she thinks Dean is a big jerk on the show. I don't watch it but I wonder why she thinks that.
Kendall is so cute sitting up like that.
You are a great Mom!
Love you!
Aw, what a cutie sitting up in her rubber chair! And, yes, Cameron sure was enamored with his new train set-up.
Does anybody reading this have a Thomas the Train track set-up? Does it come apart easily while you're using it?
I am calling you guys out and challenging you NOT to eat at Cheesecake Factory or Claim Jumpers for three months. You have to branch out!
Cameron is SOOOOO handsome. And I just want to sqeeze those Kendall cheeks!!!
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