We just returned from an EXTREMELY fun weekend up with Chris's parents. We left Friday morning and had an almost perfect ride up (meaning very little Kendall crying = Cam crying). Kendall soon fell into the same groove Cam always does, meaning spending hours and hours outside running around and playing with the dogs. It was such a fun weekend for all of us and while it's nice to be home, it was sad to leave. Here are several pics from all the things we did:
Chris taught Cam how to play bowling on the Wii. Cam adored it and actually learned how to do it without Chris's help.

Saturday we went up to Hume Lake for their country fair. I got to see my good friend, Cheryl (who lives up there), and the kids had a blast. Cam got to play several carnival games, including golf.

Here we are letting Kendall enjoy some apple pie with ice cream.

Chris and his parents took turns waiting in line for almost an hour for the huge bungee jump contraption. Cam was scared at first, but quickly warmed up. I loved it when the guy asked him if he was going to do any flips and Cam responded, "Um, no. Not today." :)

Down by the lake.

On Sunday we celebrated Cam's birthday. Chris's mom worked so hard and made homemade pizza dough and loads of topping choices so we could all make our own pizzas.

The pizzas were amazing! My toppings? Pesto combined with Alfredo sauce, chicken, sun dried tomatoes, almonds, pecans, chicken, cheese, sauteed onions.

Cam is super into spelling and is always asking how to spell words. He loves doing word searches (basically I find the words and he spells them out), so I decided to capitalize on that and make him a word search cake.

Overall it was such a fun weekend. Despite having somewhat of a rough ride home, it didn't matter because it was worth the great memories we made. :)