*Yesterday I offered to bring cupcakes to Cam's school for his birthday. The director asked that I bring something healthier. I was bummed, but then figured I would rather have his school be overly conscious about junk food as opposed to feeding them sweets all the time. So I made oatmeal muffins and put one M&M on top of each, just for good measure. :)
*Loving the new season of, "Flipping Out".
*A couple weekends back, Chris's mom introduced Cam to what has become his FAVORITE activity right now. They are the games on this website. He even has mastered using the mouse all by himself.
*Here are two cute pics from yesterday:
*I'm realizing Fresh and Easy might really be a good deal. I bought some grapes there last week for 79 cents a pound. Staters has only gotten as low as 99 cents. It's on the way to Cam's school, so I might be looking at their ads a little more closely.
I think the cupcake thing is a little odd. I can understand not wanting parents to randomly bring in sweet treats - but for a birthday?????
Your alternative sounds very tasty though! =)
I LOVE Flipping Out too!! He cracks me up--love the bluntness!
That reminds me, I need a Costco run as well. We made the mistake last time of branching out in the ice cream dept. and got Weight Watchers ice cream bars instead of Skinny Cows. BLAH! They were nasty. Skinny Cows for life.
Hmmm, I haven't tried a Fresh and Easy yet. Must do that. There's one in Highland now, although not real close.
I love that you put an M&M on top of the cupcakes... little bit of a rebel, eh? :-)
I love Flipping Out, I'm happy there's a new season on :)
I go to Fresh and Easy all the time... some of their stuff really is cheaper. They are similar to Trader Joes, but have more staples and brands that you'd find in grocery stores. I always go there for cheese, fresh pizza dough, dairy and other odds and ends.
I should have told you about Starfall! We use that everyday in our class! It's awesome, huh? Looks like Disneyland was so fun! I cannot wait to go this fall!
I know the schools are getting particular about treats I know a mom who did jello pudding cups with sprinkles! And you got lucky elementary schools say only packaged products no home made treats at all!
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