Back in college, Chris bleached his hair. I LOVED it. I would love it if he did it again. I think he could easily pull it off. Unfortunately, he is not on board with my desire to turn him into Guy Fieri.

Earrings: I would love it if Chris got an earring. I'm not sure if the trend now is for guys to have one or two, but it wouldn't really matter to me. I like the look and think he could pull it off. But sadly again, he isn't on board with this idea.
Tattoos: I like tattoos. I know many people think they are dirty and low class. I do think some are, and I'm not into one's whole body being covered. However I like it when people get tattoos that have a special meaning to them. When I was in high school, I wanted to get one. My mom told me I had to wait until I graduated. She hoped I would lose interest, however I didn't, and got one shortly after I started college. My only regret is that it's a flower, with no meaning. Someday, I would like Chris to design a small one for my ankle. I would love him to get one as well, but...yep...you guessed it, he's not into the idea. :)hehe
Fun post. =) I'm with you on the earring (though my Chris is with your Chris) and I'm with you mostly on the tattoo, but I'm not with you at all on the platinum blonde thing. I'm glad you can't afford it! =)
I LOVE tattoos too, but I will never get one because I am too chicken. I love it when they have a really cool meaning. I always wanted to get Micah 6:8 tattooed somewhere on my foot. I actually went once to have it done by the guy talked me out of it because 1) Feet are one of the most painful places on your body to get a tattoo, and 2) Feet are constantly peeling/flaking/shedding skin. The tat would've faded way too fast. And so my dream tattoo will never be a reality. :-)
eww, eww, eww to all 3. What shocks me though is that susan is actually with you on the earring. Ha! I wouldn't Never thought that!
My hubby and I used to bleach our hair and I miss it!
My hubby can't get earings so I have enough holes in my ears for a few people :) but I do think they are a pretty cool thing!
Tattoo's are good when they have meaning I want one and I have it all picked out and just can't seem to do it!
Roses are red,
Violets are blued,
Keep holdin' out, Chris,
You're already a cool dude!
I, too, wanted to get a tattoo in high school, but being the sensible person I am, I told myself that I would get it if I still wanted it at age 25 (10 years after desiring one at age 15).
Nope, didn't want it, and I'm so glad I never got one. I can't stand them now! I also found (when in the dating scene), it's very difficult to find a man who is tattoo-less! What used to be a "rebel" and different thing to do, has become so common that un-inked individuals are difficult to find! Thankfully my husband doesn't have any and shares my same view (doesn't like them).
You are such a California Girl!!!! Not that that is bd but seriously Chris wouldn't look right with an earring going to business mtgs.... and that bleach blong look ends up ruining your hair unless you have the $$ to pay for it!! ;)
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