*Not minding AT ALL the Christmas music now playing in many stores.
*Had dinner with a friend I have not seen since my wedding (8 years ago). So fun to catch up on almost the last decade. We met at Chili's and I was introduced to the most delicious soup (I know it's not new), Chicken Enchilada. I thought it would be too spicy, but it was wonderful!!!
*Last week a friend of mine found out about a Firefighters fundraiser here in our town. We are always looking for things to do, so we decided to join them. Chris and Kendall were up north, so it was just Cam and I. We had a nice time eating a spaghetti dinner, letting Cam jump on the bounce house, etc. They had a raffle and Cam won! He won a toy that has become his FAVORITE. He carries the little pieces/characters around everywhere from the bathroom (to "watch" him during his stinkbug!), to the park, to his bedside at night.

*Kendall has done better than Cam at adjusting to the time change. I still wake up at 4:55 on the dot each morning. On one hand I like being able to get things done before everyone is awake. However come 8:00 the next evening, I can feel it. :)
*While we love Costco, we don't love getting attached to a product, only to have them stop carrying it. Chris LOVES their mango/peach salsa. Unfortunately ours, as well as my dad's Costco don't sell it anymore.
Costco told my Grandma that the peach/mango salsa is seasonal...it will be back...but not now. :/
I prayed for Cam this morning at 8:20--about the time you were heading for pre-K to try his new "opening activity."
So happy you reconnected with your old friend--one of my favorite people!
Cam won the raffle? Whoopee!
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