After Borders, we headed over to Ben and Jerry's. Chris had been given a couple coupons for a free scoop at a golf store he recently visited.

On our way home, we stopped by the remote control car tracks near our home. On the adjacent field, some people were having pretend fights, like in Lord of the Rings. I'm not quite sure what these people are called, but they take it very seriously and are dressed in costume. Chris found it quite entertaining to watch them "fight". Here are he and Cam waiting for the battle to begin.

It was such a fun day. That night wasn't quite as fun as Kendall couldn't get into a good sleep until after midnight. We had noticed a cough started earlier that day, so I wasn't surprised by her desire to be held. After fumbling around in the dark for some Tylenol, I finally got her down.
Unfortunately this meant Kendall and I couldn't attend both a birthday party and a visit with Chris's brother's family today. Cam had a great time at both. In between, Chris took him to a train store, which he ADORED. My one hour napper took a 3 hour nap, then we hung out at home and ran a couple errands. Great weekend.

p.s. As Chris was driving Cam to church, Cam said, "Dad, is sissy not going to the party because she wasn't invited?" Sounds like a simple question, but Chris and I are still excited about it. It is a very perceptive question for him. Very cool.
I hope your friends back east in the deep snow and freezing temperatures don't read this might make them struggle with envy. :(
I love the "invited" question too!
Love his question thats so insightful for him! I wanted to send you a personal invitation to come to Jazzercise with me sometime if you want to try it out again!
We have free childcare and I am a babysitter so you can bring the kids on a day I am working.
Shoot me an email and I'll give you all the information.
Great question Cam! We love Palm Springs too! Glen is going to a conference there in March.... Without me ;(
I always love that you find free things to do with the kiddos!
Miss you!
I love his question!!!!!!!!!!! Ok the fighting thing is a little weird to me!!! =)
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