Chris took Kendall off for a while and rode the carousel. Cam was having a rough time. We had gotten him all hyped up for Indiana Jones, only to find he was too short. He did not do well with that. He wouldn't let it go for quite a while, so I sent Chris off with Kendall so I could try to help him. He does not do well at all when we tell him something, but then change it. Even something as simple as telling him he is going to eat an apple and then a banana. If we change and tell him he'll eat the banana first...not good. It needs to be what we initially said. So this played into his disappointment as well as just not getting to ride a fun ride. Luckily he did come around, I think it was thanks to a trip to Tom Sawyer's island with Nana and Papa. :)

Oh, yeah, he was REALLY into those caves on Tom Sawyer's island!!! Took his mind off anything previous.
Breven Just made it to the 46in height requirement last month! I know how you feel! He had a huge meltdown and D-land in 2009 over that!
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