*I love how much Cam is into board games. They are such a great activity for us to play together. His two favorites are kids Yahtzee and kids Uno. Here he is with Chris during Yahtzee. It has become an after dinner activity each night.
*Today we went to Palm Springs for the afternoon. While at the mall, Chris took the kids to the play area and I went to JC Penny's to use some of my birthday money I still had. I got this cute pair of shorts. I wanted some that were in between knee length and "I'm too old to wear that short". :)

*We went to Barnes and Noble and I bought this Bible for Cam. He's graduated from the board book Bibles that only have a sentence on each page. He was very excited and I enjoyed reading him his first story tonight and talking to him about it.
*My LEAST favorite time of every day is doing Kendall's hair. Wow, the drama. I simply tell her we need to comb her hair and she starts with, "Mama! Hug! Hug! Waaaaaaaa!!!". I swear she acts like I'm ripping her hair out! :)
*Bachelorette tomorrow night. Woohoo!
*Cameron is very into freeways and directions. The other day he randomly asked me if I knew the freeways to the beach house we stayed in a couple weeks back. He proceeded to say, "I know! You take the 10 to the 215 to the 91 to the 241 to the 133 to the 5 to the 1!" Ahhhh, our boy and numbers. :)
mmm, your pizza looks good. I could seriously eat pizza a few times a week.
I do Alayna's hair while she's eating breakfast.
Have you ever gotten Cameron a map of the freeways? I did a photoshoot for a 5 year old boy once that was into all the freeways and he loved maps as well.
cute shorts!
Chris looks like he's losing.
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