Today was Cam's last T-ball game. He hit probably one of his best hits of the season, which was fun to see. We had a party afterward at one of the player's homes. Chris enjoyed coaching and we both will be sad to not have a game each Saturday. It was always something nice to do as a family. Hopefully Cam will want to play again next year. Some of our good friends have a son who will always be in the same bracket, so it's nice to know we will always have them on our team, especially since they know, understand, and love Cam. :)
Cam was well loved and cheered for each game. Here he is with my sister's girls after a recent game.

Kendall always did great at the games, but could get a little squirmy. Luckily, my dad came to most games and would often take Kendall-duty and go off to explore while I watched the game.
Love it! Love this picture. Too cute. You just have the smartest sister to have suggested taking this great photo.
I'm so glad that t-ball was such a fun thing for all of you!
I'll miss the games too. His best hit, huh? Go, Cam!!!
Hey, hold on, here! You got the kids together, but I thought of the pose. So I'm a smart mom, too! :)
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