"Fake Patient"-not quite sure what else to call this one. Basically Jen and I worked for Loma Linda Hospital and were given scripts to memorize of patients with a specific disease. The residents would be videoed and have to ask us certain questions (we would have to act the part) and then be graded. Quite interesting!
Manhatten Bagel-I loved this job! I liked working the early morning shift and getting to know my regulars as they stopped on their way to work.
Red Cross- Public Relations Intern
Cerritos Community College- Public Relations Intern
Retirement Specialists- Secretary
Mary's Shelter- worked with girls in a home for teen moms/pregnant teens
Knott Ave. Christian Church-secretary-I worked with Chris here and it was fun working at the same place, plus the people there were great and it was fun to have lunch with all your friends!
ABC Unified School District- School Psychologist Intern and School Counseling Intern
Gahr High School- Academic Advisor- this was my ending "career" job and what I went to school for. I LOVED this job and was sad to only work at it for 2 years before I quit when Cam came along.
Here I am on my first day at Gahr. They got me a welcome cake. :)

Mommy-by far the most fulfilling, amazing, fun, and satisfying job!!
Ok, so I know you are thinking, "Kelly is so beautiful...why didn't she list "model" as a job??" I guess I just didn't want to boast, but both Jen and I did do some modeling in our high school years. Well...I guess we were never hired...and...umm...we never really got paid anything...and...my sister was the photographer...but whatever... :)
I was almost too embarrassed to post these, but I just had to b/c they are sooo funny!

Don't you just love our bangs???

Oh, man, do you & Jen ever have that "I'm mad and I'm so much cooler than you" model look down! And the sausage-roll bangs are quite fetching.
Hey, you forgot the gift shop job up at Arrowhead Springs.
I also forgot my two week stint in the Nordstrom's lingerie dept. Oops!
Those pictures are hilarious!!!!!!!!!
WOW!!! I'm so embarassed by our modeling shots! I fully remember putting some in the front of our clear binders hoping Chris Wilson might see and think we were hotties! It's pretty funny too that Susan agreed to take the pictures!
I loved working at Manhattan bagel too :) It was such a social job, and I actually liked making coffee drinks. I think I'd honestly like to work at Starbucks.
I love the modeling shots.... those bangs are awesome :)
After I got control of my laughter... I'm finally able to comment! I LOVE THE MODELING PICS. You guys are hilarious... and those bangs... what were we all thinking?! :)
Wow!!! I can't believe I wasn't a part of your modeling years!!
I should tell you about all my jobs someday... Glen laughs at me cause he thinks I changed my jobs so much, but Im gonna show him you did too!!
Like, oh, my gosh, you actually put those pictures on the front of your notebooks?????
oh my i am LAUGHING out loud!! I know i should write LOL, but it doesn't seem like enough!! I LOVE the bangs . . . and that you had the kahones to post that picture. sooo funny.
I think that fake patient job is just the wierdest. I wish I could have watched you on camera describing your fake pains. That would have been most amusing!
Yes, the pictures are fabulous! Those satin smooth bangs... the downcast eyes... your sultry stance.
I feel so honored that lowly me was asked to be your photographer.
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