*I mentioned a while back that I'm somewhat of a yogurt snob in that I only like Yoplait. Cam loves yogurt also, but he is content with the Stater Bros brand, which is fine with me because it is cheaper. However the last few cartons I've noticed something. When it gets about half empty, it literally turns to the consistency of water. It has nothing to do with the expiration date. So since I end up wasting a half carton each time, I've decided to make Cam a yogurt snob and only give him Yoplait (hoping a name brand doesn't do this).
*I have grown to HATE motion detected toilets. Nine out of ten times when I get up, the toilet doesn't "sense" it and therefore does not flush. Sometimes there is a manual button, which is great. But many times there isn't. It is quite embarrassing to have to leave the stall, toilet full, and walk out as someone walks in behind me. I know they are meant to be more convenient, but please, please, I don't mind pushing a lever with my foot!!!
Have you tried stirring the yogurt each time before you get some out--even the first time? I bet that would help.
At the opposite extreme my friend told a funny story of a self-flushing toilet in the airport that was so trigger-happy, it flushed down her toilet seat cover THREE times before she could sit down! She finally just squatted. :o)
Ya, try mixing it everytime - it works! Also, the flip side is if the toilet flushes BEFORE you walk out you get covered with all kinds of bacteria. In fact, you are supposed to walk out hold the door open and at a distance flush and run. Just a little something I learned in school ( infection control ). In a few years or maybe less when Cam is potty trained watch out for those automatic flushers because they might scare him horribly as they did Ryan.
You are too funny. i've had the trigger happy toilets too. and it is really embarassing. i want to announce to the world--i didn't stink up the bathroom i promise--the toilet just keeps flushing like a crazy thing!!
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