Chris and I met our freshman year at Biola University. I don't want to make this too lengthy, but basically over the next 4 years, we dated three different times (with the longest period of us being a part about a year). I was actually the one to break it off each time. It's hard to pinpoint why, but I think it comes down to the fact that I wasn't ready for a serious relationship, and actually didn't know what one was (seeing as Chris was my first boyfriend). I was quite wrapped up in my girlfriends and many times would put them before Chris in my time spent. Being a novice at the whole relationship thing, I didn't understand why this was a frustration for Chris. Looking back now, I find myself saying, "Duh! How could you not think a guy would want to talk to his girlfriend more than once a week!??". :)
Anyway, during our "breaks", we would always remain friends, or at least acquaintances. During each break, I had time to think back and each time I realized more and more what an amazing person Chris was. During our senior year, not only did I again realize this, but I also realized that I did NOT want lose him for good. In all honesty, I understand why many of Chris's friends were VERY leery of me and advised Chris against getting back together with me (especially the 3rd time!). I guess deep down he knew that if I would just fully devote myself to us, there wouldn't be any turning back...because we would be perfect together. All I have to say is thank goodness he gave me another chance!
I've had a few people ask me if I regret not dating more before Chris (I probably had gone on a total of 3 dates my entire life). I find that to be an interesting question, but in all honesty, I could care less that I didn't have much experience. I found the perfect, most loving, funny, most unselfish, husband I could ever ask for. The grass will NEVER look greener on the other side!
So a few months after we graduated, Chris popped the question down at Laguna Beach. He then surprised me by having his entire family as well as mine waiting for us at a restaurant. It was the most amazing day ever! Here are a few pictures from our wedding. We got married at Trinity in Redlands. It was also one of the most amazing and fun days. While many moms/daughters find tension in planning a wedding, my mom and I had a blast! We honeymooned in Coronado (San Diego) and had a fabulous time. Thanks for sticking with my long post!


What a cute story :) YOU both looked great on your big day, but you especially were a gorgeous bride!
Thanks for sharing and I hope you had a great anniversary
I love hearing how people met :) You guys got married the same year we did, only we got married in July. I hope you have a great anniversary! Are you doing anything fun?
So fun to see those pics and re-live that fun day! I'm so glad Chris "took you back" too (no brainer!) -- you guys are such a great little team. :) Happy Anniversary!!!!
Oh, how glad I am you both worked it all out and ended up together, too! You both got a GREAT deal! And, yes, planning your and Susan's weddings was more fun than anyone oughta be able to have!
such a great story!! i love it! happy anniversary!!
Great story. Also great to see pictures of Chris with hair...
I'm a little behind, but wanted to say congrats anyway!!! Here's to many many more wonderful years together!
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