This morning I woke to a crib full of vomit, a diaper full of yuckiness, and a new rash now covering most of his body (the one yesterday had faded). All this to say we still don't know what is going on. Our doc is somewhat confused and the blood tests came back normal. Hmmm...
We are still awaiting the stool sample results she also ordered. I had to gather five different samples. Basically they give you little containers with mini shovels to scoop the poop. Sounds nasty, but in all honesty, it really doesn't phase me. I think this is the case with most parents. When it comes to your kid, you just do what has to be done. Funny how something like this doesn't gross me out, but if it were an adult sample I had to gather...nasty!
Here I am scooping away:
So we are still stuck with not knowing...I'm not that worried (which is unusual) because you would NEVER know something was wrong by looking at his behavior...he is super happy and playful fortunately. We'll see...
Nice picture... but you are right, when it comes to your kids, it's okay!
We will be praying for Cameron as you wait on test results and hopefully a treatment.
Congrats on the baby's room... it's adorable! (I still check your blog from time to time... you're so cute!)
Poor cam :( I hope you can figure out what's wrong with him. At least he's still acting normal! It's tough when they are miserable.
It is amazing how things don't phase you anymore once you become a parent. I used to be totally disgusted with bodily fluids, and now they are a part of my life every single day!
Yes, he sure didn't act like he was sick tonight. I loved hearing him help you read the "Big Brother" book.
Ok so im sad he's sick and has a rash-but i can't believe you posted a pic of you scoopin. you are so funny! hope he gets better soon!
What a great Mom you are!! I hope he gets better soon!!
Poor Cam! But you be careful around that sick little boy! We don't want mommy and girlchild to catch the yucky tummy!!!
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