Yes, it is true. When it comes to suckers, I am a Sees snob. Or more accurately, I have created Cam to be one. Whenever he receives a non-Sees sucker at the doctor's, he will take it, he will rarely finish it. But I don't mind, because I LOVE Sees suckers for my little guy. The only reason I plunk down the extra cash for them is because they last about 3x as long as regular ones. This comes in very handy for long road trips. It is so nice to know I have a good 20 minute time eater available as we are embarking on a long car ride.
While they are a little pricey, this bag lasts me 2-3 months, which is pretty good.

I only by butterscotch because chocolate is sooo messy...yes, much messier than you see here on his sticky chin. :)
Well worth it. And 20 minutes of sucking that small a candy sure beats scarfing down 3 times as much in a candy bar.
Good idea! I am all about keeping Ethan busy in the car. When did you start giving Cam suckers?
Gosh, Jessica, I wish I could remember. I think I waited until he was two maybe? Although it could be that I just didn't think to try them before then. These ones are so big and square that I would think they are less of a choking hazard than the small circular ones.
Such a good idea! I think Cam looks so much like Chris in this picture! He looks so satisfied- and he looked at the camera!!
do you ever wonder if Cam thinks He is famous and you are like paparazzi (sp?)..
I love anything See's!!
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