A friend sent this quiz that apparently is going around Facebook. I thought it would be a fun one to do...
Where do you eat out most as a couple? We have a few favorites: Cheesecake Factory, Claim Jumpers, Macaroni Grill, Red Robin
Where is the furthest you two have traveled together as a couple? Germany, to visit my sister and her family.
Who has the worst temper? I think Chris might get frustrated with more things than I, but I would never say he has a temper. I don't have much of one either, but I do get fired up about certain issues/topics and Chris usually gets to listen to my rants. :)
Who does the cooking? 95% of the time I do...but that is mainly because I love to cook.
Who is the neat freak? We are both neat freaks. We both hate clutter and feel yucky if we look around and things are everywhere. When we get home from a trip, we'll unpack right away and usually have all the laundry done from the trip before we go to bed.
Who wakes up earlier? Usually we wake up at the same time because it is when Cam wakes up and we both will typically go in to greet him. :) When Chris has a lot of work, he'll often wake up super early (like 4am or earlier) and not be able to go back to sleep. I always feel bad stumbling down the stairs knowing he has been working for 2 1/2 hours already.
Where was your first date? Our first date was to Disneyland, but it was with a bunch of friends. I don't remember where our first one on one date was...wish I did.
Do you get flowers often? I've often told Chris that I would much rather have him pick me out a cute shirt as opposed to flowers. Flowers are beautiful and he has bought them a few times, but he knows that I prefer clothing...something that I can wear over and over.
Who eats more? In general, Chris. When it comes to dessert, I can out eat him if it is something rich as he can't handle too much richness (go figure!!).
Who does the laundry? We both do our own. Chris does laundry probably 3x as much as me, I think because he has undershirts, bigger underwear (boxers), etc. Plus he is a little more particular about washing his clothes after 1-2 wearings. I'm a little more lax, probably because I hate to do laundry!
Who drives when you are together? Chris
Who picks where you go to dinner? Since we both like the same restaurants, it is pretty easy to come to an agreement.
Who is the first one to admit when they’re wrong? We both are pretty equal at this. Neither of us like for there to be tension, so we are quick to admit so we can get back to normal.
Who wears the pants in the relationship? Chris. When a wife is said to "wear the pants", it always makes me think it is because she is a nag and the husband gives in. I HATE nagging and try hard to never do it.
Who has more tattoos? Me, but only by one because I only have one. But I'm having Chris work on a new one that will incorporate all of our names. It will be very small, but I will probably get it on my foot (I can hear that gasp, mom!). hehe :)
Who eats more sweets? Me. Absolutely no question. Me!!
Who cries more? Me. Again, absolutely no question!!!