Shortly thereafter she went through surgery. I remember during a Bible Study discussion, we were asked what the most difficult moment/event of our lives was. I shared that it was when I walked into the recovery room and saw my mom. She wasn't awake yet and she looked deathly ill. I almost lost it right there. I will never forget that moment.
Over the next several months, she went through chemo and radiation. Because I was working and still lived out in OC, I wasn't able to go to all of her chemo treatments, although I desperately wanted to. What she went through is still unimaginable. What any chemo patient goes through is unimaginable. But she NEVER once complained nor let on the pain she was feeling. Amazing. But to be honest, I wasn't surprised. She has ALWAYS looked to the positive side of things and is truly one who I can say gave her anxiety and pain to the Lord...and she did experience peace amidst the pain.
Well, 4 years later she is still cancer free and we are excited with every good doc's appointment/check up she receives. Here is a picture of some friends of mine and I when we went on a Cancer Walk shortly after she was diagnosed. It still means the world to me that they went with me, to support my mom. Bethany even made cute little pins for us to wear in her support. :)
Me, Jen, Kristen, Bethany

A HUGE thing to be thankful to God for!!!! What a great blessing!
And how very cool of your friends- those are true friends. =)
I'm so happy that your Mom is still Cancer Free!!
Thats great that you had such good friends to join you in supporting your Mom during the Cancer Walk!!
It's 4 days after you posted this, and somehow I missed it. How did that happen?
It brought tears to my eyes, of course. You are so dear. Interesting that when I answered that same question a few months ago, I said the hardest time I had ever had was telling you & Susan that I had cancer...not when I learned it myself, but when I had to tell you.
I am rejoicing, too, this year!
I've often thought of your mom and what that experience must have been like for you. I love reading about how involved she is now with Cam and how God has answered prayer and granted her these extra years!
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