Basically you are pouring a saline solution through one nostril until it comes out the other. Sound uncomfortable?
It's actually not that bad. The point is for it to break up all the yucky stuff and flush your sinuses clean. I had high hopes. Too high. Yes, it does make it so you can blow your nose right afterward and get some lovelies on your tissue, but it doesn't help the sinus pressure AT ALL, which I had assumed the "flushing" would do. So I guess that was $15 down the drain and I'll just have to ride it out like usual. :(

Oh, how disappointed I am! I've had a crush on the Neti Pot ever since I heard about it--and then I've talked to people it helped. Phooey that it didn't help you. As soon as I get a congestion cold, I want to borrow it & try it.
I think I've read that cold medicine really doesn't do a lot. I know I've read that a spoonful of honey does more for a sore throat than throat medicine.
But as for the neti pot, you should have posted a picture of YOU using it - that would have made it well worth the $15. At least for us!
Here's the thing about the Neti. It works when you aren't sick to keep you from getting sick!! I'm not joking. I use it whenever I feel on the brink of sick. But if I already have the virus, not so much. :)
I also think cold medicine is somewhat of a farce. It may help our comfort during the cold, but I don't think it speeds up recovery at all!!
Kelly, my sinus infection pal... I can sooo relate. I got the crud a few weeks ago and tried this too. My mom swears by it, but I think what's been said in the comment above me is true... once your infection takes hold, it's not going to help much. After many attempts to get it to "circulate" through my sinuses, and one very soaked shirt later, I threw up my hands in frustration too. Hang in there and feel better soon!!!!
That picture is hilarious to me! The "model" has a total "come hither" look on her face. Is that supposed to be sexy?!
Sorry you didn't have much luck with it. I have terrible allergies so when I was prego and couldn't take anything I relied a lot on saline spray and steam. But you're right, in most cases you just have to ride it out.
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